Sunday, December 8, 2024

Preparation for Arguments

A couple of things as you finish exams and begin prepping for arguments:

1) Please take some time to listen to actual arguments, wither at or I want these to sound more like real arguments than moot court. Reveiw the Order on Procedure.

2) We have 27 cases to get through on the schedule of cases. I plan to front-load Wednesday so we can finish earlier on Thursday. So my hope is to get through 17 cases (through Festeryga) on Wednesday and the remaining 9 on Thursday, allowing us to finish the semester early afternoon. 

3) If both of your arguments will be on Day One or Day Two, you need not dress up for the other day.

4) Note that Make Your Life Epic and Martinez (consolidated) came out different ways below. So Gill represents the petitioner in Make Your Life and respondent in Martinez (arguing in favor of appealability); Sunny represents respondent in MYL and petitioner in Martinez (arguing against appealability).

5) Reminder that petitioner is the party that lost in the court of appeals, regardless of who was plaintiff in the district court or who was appellant in the lower-court cases.